Plovdiv Area - Country Properties and Houses

 Results 1 - 24 of total 217 in section: Plovdiv region    Results 1 - 24 of total 217   

115 500 €
115 500 € nv5675

1 plan
17 896 €
17 896 € nv5482

16 pictures
25 565 €
25 565 € nv5480
Plot with planning permission S.Belashtitsa - Plovdivsko
10 pictures, 1 plan
With planning permission plots an average of 700 sq m of housing with 40 m frontage on tarmac road in the land of village of Belashtitsa.more
40 000 €
40 000 € 1153

1 picture
31 701 €
31 701 € 5044

14 pictures
25 565 €
25 565 € 4716

1 plan
33 235 €
33 235 € nv4963

2 pictures, 1 plan
8 500 €
8 500 € nv4923
House Razhevo Konare
20 pictures, 1 plan
House with yard in the village of Razhevo Konare, Plovdiv region.more
Sold21 475 €
21 475 € Soldnv1850

45 €
45 € nv4961

15 000 €
15 000 € nv4799

12 425 €
12 425 € nv4755

2 pictures, 1 plan
664 690 €
664 690 € 4222

30 678 €
30 678 € nv4942
Plot with planning permission Krichim
1 picture
Plot with planning permission 3.7 decare in the town of Krichim. Frontage on three streets. Price 12 €/sq mmore
44 400 €
44 400 € nv3932

16 pictures
100 000 €
100 000 € 4747

13 pictures
Sold70 000 €
70 000 € Soldnv4362
Plot Boykovo - Vilna Zona
22 pictures, 1 plan
600 sq m plot, Vilna zone of village of Boykovo, Plovdiv Rodopska collar.more
20 000 €
20 000 € nv3074
Plot with planning permission Ruen
16 pictures, 2 plans
With planning permission parcels with different area for the surname housing in holiday village, village of Ruen. Price 22 €/sq mmore
Ask €
Ask € 1141
Agricultural Land Tud, Plovdivsko
18 pictures, 2 plans
Two the property 1812 and 1201 sq m in the area "hunting range" the village of labour 5 km away from Plovdiv. Price 25 €/sq m.more
20 400 €
20 400 € 2191
Plot with planning permission C.Trud, Plovdivsko
9 pictures, 1 plan
Plot with planning permission 1049 sq m in village of labour 5 km away from Plovdiv. Price 25 €/sq m.more
18 800 €
18 800 € 2192

48 pictures
37 000 €
37 000 € nv4353

7 pictures, 1 plan
27 000 €
27 000 € nv4498
Plot with planning permission Tsalapitsa
7 pictures
33660 sq m plot for gabo - proyzvodstvo (vegetables), of which 18 decare are uregulrani (face). Price 10 leva of sq mmore
172 104 €
172 104 € 3265

 Results in section: Plovdiv Area 
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